Sunday Service
We would love to have you join with us as we celebrate God's love for us together on Sunday morning. Whether you are single, have kids or anywhere in between, we trust you will feel at home here with us.
(Got kids? Find out more about our Kids program here)
Our Missions Coffee Cart will be open for 30mins before the service, so come along and catch up with people from 10am! Service STARTS at 10:30am.
Join us in person at - 33 Cants Rd Colac
...are you looking for a way to grow your prayer life? CLICK HERE to find out more >>
Daily Bible Reading
Download a copy of our daily Bible reading plan here
...about faith? Christianity...?
...wondering who is Jesus?
Got other BIG questions?
We believe the gospel of Jesus Christ has power to change lives, give us hope for the future and we want to communicate that to the rest of the world... Not only do we believe He can change lives, but we have seen Him work in and through ours. We believe we were created to live lives of worship to God and He longs for us to communicate with Him through prayer. Not only should we pray but we must begin to care for one another as Jesus cares for us. When we do these things we truly become disciples of Jesus Christ...
If you are a passionate follower of Jesus or still have many questions about the Christian faith, we would love to see you at Church!
"For I know the plans I have for you" declares the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope" - Jeremiah 29:11
Our Mission - "To live & communicate the power of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ"


Our Sunday Services run for around 1 hr 15mins. Our CFC Kids (for Primary ages) and Bubs Programs (1-5yrs) run in school terms - going out after the first song or two and communion.
If you can, arrive a few minutes early to sign them in and let us know any information about your child that might help them enjoy their time at CFC!
(or click the link below & register them now before you arrive!)
KIDZINC (Grade 3-6)
Kids in Gr.3-6 come along for games, fun, craft, God chats and more.
Fridays 5-7pm
Fridays 7:30-9:30pm
visit our Facebook page for
all the latest info!

If you have any need for prayer, physical or emotional needs, come along and let us pray with you.
Wednesdays 10-12 pm or
call the Church.
(Mothers of Preschoolers)
MOPS is a place for Mums to come and be encouraged. With a full kids program for pre-schoolers.
Every 2nd Thursday @ CFC.
Thursday Nights from 7:30pm.
Visit Facebook for the details.

Missed the message or want to listen in again?
Download or listen now on iTunes or any podcast app.
Go to www.soundcloud.com/cfc-colac
33 Cants Rd
Colac VIC Australia 3250
Ph: 03 5231 1106
Pastoral Care Mobile: 0492 914 617
© 2017 by Christian Family Church Colac.