What is Membership at the
'Christian Family Church Colac Inc.' all about?
The Christian Family Church Colac is a local church, affiliated with the “CRC Churches International” (Formerly known as the “Christian Revival Crusade”).
The CRC is a group of “inter-dependent, autonomous Churches” (that are self governing and independent, yet accountable to each other).
For more information about the Church or the CRC please ask for a copy of our ‘CFC Visions Outworked’ brochure, a copy of our Constitution, or the CRC Charter.

To live and communicate the power of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Philippians 1:27, Acts 5:42
A welcoming Church for all ages
To connect, grow, worship & encounter God together
Being cared for, as we learn to care for others
Believing the Holy Spirit will change individuals lives
...in this city, nation and world, for God’s glory