Please find below all the necessary forms and other resources you may need.
**Please keep in mind - filling in the application form below doesn't mean you, or a volunteer who is asking to, are automatically approved to be part of a church ministry - PLEASE wait until a church leader gets in contact with you and approves it **
For anyone wanting to work in any area with kids (Kidzinc, Mops Kids, Youth, etc) please fill in the form below...
Anyone who serves here at CFC is encouraged to apply for a Working With Children Check - and you will not be able to volunteer in any area that has contact with kids unless you have one...
If you already have one, please make sure you update your 'organisations you volunteer with' section also...
Click above to apply, renew or update now!
If you're considering getting involved as a volunteer, why not take a moment and take the step of 'official membership' ?
Anyone who trusts in Jesus is a member of Christ's body, the Church, but we want to encourage you to consider making the commitment of becoming an official member of CFC...
If you see an incident, whether its someone slipped on a tile, a leader that didn't follow process or something else altogether - please help us care for everyone by letting us know what happened by clicking below...
This form is only to be completed AFTER going through the CFC Child Safe Training - which you will be required to do if you are applying to work with children or young people.
< Click to download.